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Richmond Caring Place Society

140-7000 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC, V6Y 3Z5

At a glance...

  • Parking
    • 4 accessible stall out of 76 available in the south lot
    • 1 more accessible stall in lot to the east is designated for the park
  • Sidewalks
    • Sidewalks leading to the building from main walks are paving stone
    • Curb cuts are at all intersections & to parking lots
  • Entrance
    • Both Main & Rear entrances have Automatic Double Sliding Doors
  • Lobby
    • Lobby area is wide open with linoleum flooring
  • Elevator
    • Provides suitable access to all 3 floors
  • Public Washroom
    • M/F and Unisex Accessible washrooms are available on each floor
    • Unisex washrooms are very accessible, but key is required to access
  • Meeting Areas
    • Several large meeting rooms on 2nd and 3rd floor are very accessible

Our take...

We found the Richmond Caring Place very accessible. It is conveniently located in the business district in the centre of Richmond. Local transit is very close, as well as shopping malls, restaurants, a park and many other businesses. Walks leading from the main street sidewalks are paving stone. Both front and rear entrances feature automatic double sliding doors. There is an information booth in the ground floor lobby, where the friendly staff will be glad to direct you wherever you wish to go.

Update Mar 2011, by Richmond Centre of Disability