Richmond Hospital
7000 Westminster Hwy.
Richmond B.C.
V6X 1A2
click for map.
We found these features accessible...
- Emergency
- Closest Entrance is the West Entrance
- Emergency entrance is only open with security passage (powered sliding doors not accessible to public)
- There is a unisex accessible washroom in this area
- M/F washrooms in this area are also accessible
- Wheelchair patients must change in procedure rooms
- Admitting
- This area is located between the Main Entrance and the West Entrance
- Double doors are always open during regular hours
- Front counter has lowered section
- Ambulatory Care Centre (Day Treatment)
- Located Close to the North Entrance (the Main Entrance is the next closest)
- Heavy double doors are open during regular hours
- There is an accessible washroom in this area
- Wheelchair patients must use procedure rooms for changing
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Heavy swing door is always open during regular hours
- Cardiopulmonary Clinic
- Closest to the South Entrance (West or Main Entrances are other alternatives)
- Closest accessible washroom is in Surgical Day Care
- Cast Clinic (this is a large open room)
- Located closest to the South Entrance
- Child Health Centre (near the North entrance)
- Powered double doors at the entrance
- Sink in entrance has good clearance
- There is an accessible washroom in this area
- Diagnostic Imaging (X-ray and Ultrasound)
- Located close to the West Entrance
- Front counter has a lowered section
- Wide open waiting area across the hallway
- Wheelchair patients can use x-ray room to change
- 1 accessible washroom in this area, and 2 more are partially accessible (28” door width)
- Emergency exit from this area is powered door
- Lab Services (for hospital lab work)
- Closest entrance is the West Entrance
- Front counter is very high
- Closest accessible washroom is in the emergency area
- Library (open to public for researching)
- Located Very close to the Main Entrance (North Entrance is also quite close)
- Double swing doors are always open during regular hours
- Moveable tables and chairs at one end (tables have 27.5” knee clearance)
- Aisle ways are all at least 35” wide
- There is internet access in the library
- Accessible washroom is across the hallway
- Mammography
- The closest entrance is the West Entrance (the Main Entrance is also quite close)
- Single non-powered swing door at entrance
- Patients must change in procedure rooms
- There is an accessible washroom in this area
- Oncology Clinic (Heavy swing door at the entrance)
- Located just inside the North Entrance to the Hospital
- Pre Admission Clinic (for procedure preparation)
- Located closest to the West Entrance
- Ralph Fisher Auditorium (theatre seating for approx 120)
- Located closest to the Main Entrance (the North Entrance is also quite close)
o Double swing doors are open when activities are held
o Ramp from middle aisle leads down to front of auditorium
- Rotunda Area (was under construction at time of survey)
- The closest entrance is the South Entrance
- Surgical Day Care
- Located closest to the South Entrance (West Entrance is also quite close)
o Waiting area is wide open
o There is an accessible Unisex washroom in this area
o Patients must use procedure rooms to change
- Parking
- 2 marked stalls are near the Emergency entrance (this entrance is only open with security pass, must use alternate entrance)
- 3 marked stall on the ground level of the parkade
- There are some useable stalls on each level near the elevator (but are not designated)
- 21 marked stalls are near the North entrance several parallel stalls may also be useable (only 7 of the marked stalls here are accessible width)
- Sidewalks (are accessible with curb cuts to parking surface)
- Main Entrance
- There are 2 sets of automatic double sliding doors at this entrance
- Elevators
- Signage (is all high contrast bold font, patient rooms, and procedure rooms also have Braille, and tactile signage)
- North Entrance
- Features powered double swinging doors
- South Entrance
- Powered double swinging doors lead to entry, then a second set of powered double swinging doors lead to hallway to rotunda area
- Public Washrooms
- Features powered double swinging doors into vestibule and then a second set of powered double swinging doors leading to a wide hallway
- Public Telephones
- Most of the pay phones throughout the hospital are accessible
2 across from Admitting
1 off main entrance near the Oncology Clinic
1 at second level of North Tower across from the elevators
2 at the Cafeteria entrance
1 on the main floor of the South Tower across from the elevators
- Internet (there is internet access in the Library)
- Cafeteria (on the second level)
- Patio (ramp from cafeteria leads to out door open patio)
Our take...
Richmond Hospital, it is conveniently located on a major transit route near the center of Richmond. Several hotels, shopping centers, and other attractions are also very close by. Minoru Park is located directly behind the hospital, and provides a great place to go out and enjoy the gardens, plants and duck pond. The main entrance to the parking lot is off Gilbert Rd. and a bus stop on this side of the hospital is close to the parkade. There is a second entrance to the parking lot off Granville Ave. and also another bus stop at the corner of Granville and Gilbert.
The hospital’s Emergency entrance is only accessible with security pass (patients must use alternate entrance or send someone to obtain security passage). The Cafeteria offers a good selection of tasty, hot and cold entrées, and drinks. In the main lobby a gift shop is available, as well as an accessible lottery booth, and a Starbuck’s Coffee Shop. A small outdoor patio is just outside coffee shop, with a path leading to the Ribbon Garden. The Ribbon Garden was made possible through the kind donations of many people and groups whose names can be found on the seats, and bricks of the pathway. This hospital has two towers connected on the ground floor by hallways with a wide variety of medical, and surgery units along the way. The main entrance is in between the two towers, where you will find the gift shop, Starbucks, and a lottery booth. On the second floor of the south tower are the Intensive Care Unit, the Cardiac Unit, and the Cafeteria. There is also a walkway on the second floor leading to the north tower. There are 2-3 large elevators in each tower which will take you to the patient wards.
Updated 26 Aug, 2008 by Richmond Centre for Disability.